Expanded Polystyrene PS

Polystyrene and Foam Packaging

Foam Cut to Size

Plain Cut Foam - Foam Cubes - Foam Rectangles - Regular Foam Shapes

Foam Parts Cut Foam Shapes Foam Logos

Regulary every day shapes used for general padding ,industrial supports & blocks are usually sawn or bandsawn on either a hand operated bandknife,or a high speed automatic bandknife for high volume production runs.

Die-Cut Foam Parts - Gaskets - Self Adhesive Foam Pads - Shapes - Packaging

Foam Cut to Size Various Foam Sizes Foam Inserts Cut

None linear foam profiles,shapes,gaskets and foam packaging parts are ecomically converted using cnc hotwire cutting, high speed die cutting or punching machines. The initial low set up and tooling cost makes this type of manufacturing cut foam parts a very cost effective method of producing foam parts.

Our continued growth in the foam components and packaging market is proof that Styrotech's simple approach to providing cost effective solutions is the way forward.

Low Volume Routed Parts - Complex shapes - Foam Inserts - Industrial Components

Cut Foam Parts Die Cut Foam Routed Foam Parts

For limited volumes, small items and special one off bespoke pieces hand routing is ideal. Large High Volume Precision parts and tool case inserts which require repetative precision cutting are produced using our high speed multi head routers.These offer cnc controlled machined parts with guaranteed accuracy everytime.

Click here to view the Foam Products Gallery for more samples »

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